Finally I have time to post some recent news. First one is quite important but second one maybe not so much but I'm still excited like a child or something.
For more than a past year I had been working for Platige Image, but since march I moved to CDProjekt RED Studio. People behind first and second Witcher game. I'm quite excited about that and enjoing the time here :). I didn't have time to post or even paint personal stuff mainly because of that but also relocation to another flat (but still in Warsaw). Finally everything is ok now.
The second news is that I was mentioned in french publication called Book of Creation. It is a compilation of artists from all around the world and there are some really great artists like Maciej Kuciara, Ben Mauro, Daniel Dociu, but also some of my friends like Michał Dziekan, Przemek Kotyński and Michał Migacz. If you speak in french you can find some informations and buy it here: